Check AIOU Result 2023 & AIOU Previous Result

AIOU result 2023

Allama Iqbal Open University is the largest university in Asia, that provides distance education. If you want to be admission to Allama Iqbal Open University or you have already been admission. However, if you want to see AIOU result 2023 or AIOU’s previous result card. So in this article, I will tell you the complete details in very simple words. I hope that you will understand, and next time you need an Allama Iqbal Open University Result Card, Current Result Card, or Previs. Result Card, You can see your result card by following the same method. Also, how to check roll number AIOU If you want to know about it or you are not getting your roll number. I have written a blog on my website, you can also read it where it is explained in very simple words and in detail.

AIOU result 2023

Allama Iqbal Open University Result 2023, 9th Class, 10th Class, 11th Class, 12th Class, BS Program, Bachelor Program, B.Ed Program, Post Graduate Program, PhD Program, Nursing, and other program result check To do this, visit their official page. You write your roll number, and after that, select your degree or level. After that, click on the result button below. Then iThen, iThen, you can see your roll number and your result. Also, if you want to download the result card. So that is also the below option you can also download your result card.

AIOU Previous result

To check Allama Iqbal Open University’s previous year’s result card, visit their official page. Where you can see the result of any degree and any year. where you only have to select your roll number and your degree, then click on Up Sample 12. In this way you will get your result card, your degree and the year you are looking for, you can also download it.

AIOU Result Card Not Received

Many Students don’t get online AIOU result 2023, which can be a problem. Be it a problem with your name, or a mistake in any other written document. So you may face problems in getting a result card. But if you do not get the result, you should not worry, but go to the office of Allama Iqbal Open University in your area. There you take your original document for example your roll number slip and your face slip besides your original document.

 Go to the office and contact the clerk, that way, if you have any major problems, they will solve them and you will get the result card. In this way, your result card will also start showing online. If you don’t know, then you can tell us by commenting below, and we will solve your problem, Also you can mail us personally. If you are facing an Allama Iqbal Open University admission roll number slip, AIOU enrollment, or any other such problem then we will definitely help you.

After AIOU completes its degree result card

If you have completed your degree from AIOU. So you will need all your original documents to get your result card. Which will be verified, After the verification, you will get the result card from the university. In these documents, you can read the requirements of the Mandir Zeal document, which you should have with you in any case.

  • CNIC photocopies
  • Paid Challan From
  • Provisional Result Card Photocopies
  • Matriculation result card
  • Photocopy of Internship (if required)
  • Transcripts

AIOU Short Courses

Allama Iqbal Open University is also announcing short courses. In which you can learn any skill and run your own business. These short courses are available online and in person as well. There are Arabic language, English language, e-commerce courses, Amazon FBA marketing courses, Facebook marketing courses, and many more courses. The duration of these courses is 6 months, the fee is around 6000. You can deposit the fee in any bank branch selected by the university. Apart from this, you can also deposit the fee through Legit Cash and Easy Paisa. After depositing the fee, you will be informed about the next process. In this way, you can make your online career by doing this short course in e-commerce.


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