Top 10 Freelancing Country with fastest growing earning

Top freelancing countries

If we talk about online earning, freelancing comes first. Because many people in this world are earning thousands of dollars from freelancing and that too sitting at home.  Top Freelancing Country Will Talk About Which Countries Are Most Freelancing

There are many countries where freelancing is most popular; governments also give guidelines for people to turn to freelancing. And if you want to know which countries are the most freelancing, after reading this article, you can.  Will find out

Top Freelancing Country

There are some countries in the world that, if we talk about freelancing, these countries are considered stars in the freelancing field. Because these countries have developed freelancing very fast, these are the world’s ten countries. Some countries have made great progress in freelancing. 

Top 10 freelancing Country Highest Earning


If we talk about freelancing in the United States of America, freelancing is one of the major sources of income. It grew very fast and reached 78% from 2018 to 2023. USA Independence Work  Force According to the report, 60 million Americans freelance, So Making up 39% of the full-time. And 60 million freelancers contribute $1.35 trillion to the U.S. economy.

This is primarily, But the younger generation is benefiting a lot who are technology and internet savvy. They are running their business from home using technology and the internet.

2 UK

The name Great Britain will come if we talk about the world’s second most developed country in freelancing, which also increased by 59% year-on-year. The average salary of a freelancer in the UK is $31,409 a year.

Many new freelancers are working in different sectors in the UK. 24% of freelance photographers in the UK Lancer has increased.

3 brazil

Brazil ranks 3rd among the top freelancing country. Brazil’s freelancing income has grown by 48%. This day is rapidly progressing in it. More than 25 million people are self-employed, and the rate is increasing daily.

4 Pakistan

Pakistan ranks 4th in the world in terms of online earnings. In 2020-21, Pakistan earned 400 million dollars from freelancing, which is growing rapidly.  Freelancing in Pakistan is mostly done by the young generation. They work for clients all over the world. More than 12000 youth from all over the country earn 687324.12$ by doing these jobs.  Due to this, there has been a significant reduction in unemployment in Pakistan.

5 Ukraine

Ukraine ranks 5th in the world in terms of earning from freelancing. The number of freelancers in Ukraine has increased 36% in the last few years. The young generation here is growing with IT and online skills. The younger generation of Ukrainians is particularly adept at dealing with large clients such as European and Western clients.

6 Philippines

The Philippines ranks 6th among the top freelancing country. Philippine freelancers offer their services at a very low cost, Therefore, they make it into the top ten developing freelancing countries. Freelancing income in the Philippines has been 35% over the years. Filipino freelancers get a lot of jobs from Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms

7 India

India ranks 7th in online earnings. Most of India’s young generation is freelancing, with the majority under 25. India’s revenue as a freelancing country has grown by 25% in the last year.  The Indian government is providing various opportunities to attract its young generation towards freelancing and many facilities are being provided.  So that more and more people do freelancing.

8 Bangladesh

Bangladesh is one of the fastest-growing freelancing countries.  It ranks eighth in the world in terms of earning online, which has increased its income by more than 27% since last year. Most freelancers in Bangladesh are young generation. People in Bangladesh earn less than 60$ per month compared to freelancing. Earn more, which is why freelancing is growing so fast here.

9 Russia

Russia ranks number one in the world in terms of making freelancing money. Last year, freelancing income increased by 20%. Regarding the last three years, freelancing in Russia has increased by 3%.

10 Serbia

Serbia is one of the top ten freelancing countries, with a 19% increase in freelancing income last year. Most of the freelancers here are freelancing in development and programming. Serbia has the headquarters of various companies such as Microsoft, Godaddy, and Adobe.

Freelancing earnings for each country with graph

As you know, the top freelancing countries are mentioned one by one. This graph will further help you understand these countries’ online earning percentage

How to start freelancing

Following are the steps to start freelancing.

  • First, you learn skills like web designing, app designing, video editing, SEO, etc. 
  • Explain where the freelancing websites are. Upwork, Fiverr, etc.
  • Build your portfolio
  • Connect with other freelancers
  • Find different clients on social media websites.


At first, freelancing was mostly done in America, the UK, and European countries. But over time, there has also been much freelancing in Asia. As we have seen above, the top ten freelancing countries in Many Asian countries have come. That is, it is being proved that the trend of freelancing has increased a lot in Asia, and it may come to the top in the coming time.

Frequently asked the question

, what is Pakistan’s rank in freelancing?

Regarding freelancing, Pakistan ranks 4th in the world regarding earning from freelancing. While if we talk about earnings, Pakistan has made a total of 0.5 billion dollars. Who is

Is freelancing good in Pakistan?

Pakistan has earned more than 0.5 billion dollars from freelancing. And it ranks fourth in the world in terms of making from freelancing. This proves that making from freelancing in Pakistan is very profitable, which can earn so much from a regular


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