Quaid e Azam’s essay in English for competition exams

Quaid e Azam

Quaid e Azam essay is a topic that every Pakistani needs. He was born on 25 December 1876 in Karachi so The bright star of the history of pakistan is Quid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Quaz e Azame is our national hero and the founder of Pakistan.his name is Muhammad Ali Jinnah, and his father’s name is Poonja Jinnah, who was a businessman.

When Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinh completed his primary education his father wanted him to join him in business. Your father Poonja Jinnah had an English friend, however, who advised your father not to take his son into the business. He should be allowed to get higher education. Quaid e Azam was sent to England for her studies he indicates himself over there as a keen and upright student. Hey qualified for lincoln inn as a brilliant lawyer

On his return to India, he joined the Indian national congress .he was an ardent supporter of the Hindu Muslim unity. ut the narrow vision of certain communal leaders disappointed him, He decided to join Muslim League. Hey inspired the Muslims of India with his glorious vision so Hey worked hard for a separate homeland for the Muslims. The odds were against him.

The Hindus the British and a section of the Muslims were hostile to him. But he improved with every problem. his name was high he soared like an eagle. recognized the party the Muslims rallied around him. The host I’ll forces had to be at a retreat, 14 August 1947 was the day of his triumph. Pakistan appeared on the map of the world.

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah served as the first Governor-General of Pakistan for 13 months. however, In this 13-month period, he handled important national issues with his insight and leadership skills, which made Pakistan stand on its own feet. He realized the fragility of the situation and instantly made Karachi the capital of Pakistan.

Quaid-e-Azam exhorted the government employees to work with full integrity and honesty. Quaid-e-Azam operated special trains to bring people from India. Headquarters was built to bring the naval and army forces into better conditions.

Although Quaid-e-Azam was seriously weakened by the deadly disease TV, his confidence did not drop. If we say that Quaid-i-Azam nurtured Pakistan with his blood, then it will be meaningless. he died on September 11, 1948, due to hard work deepening his illness.

Quaid e Azam essay can help you with any exams.

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